Friday, August 20, 2010


As you definately know,SIngapore is hosting the first ever Youth Olympic Games.if you didnt, you might as well live in a cave! haha! sorry, really need a Joke to lighten up the serious mood in this blog...

So YOG.The opening ceremony was held last Saturday.My dad seeing this would probably never happen again, splurged on a room at the Ritz Carlton,to 'watch' the YOG opening ceremony. Frankly speaking, its the first/second time i have ever stepped into such a grand hotel.first was probably in Korea where i stayed in lotto hotel for a day...
speaking of which.The room was on the 19th floor and had a wicked view.seriously. The side facing out was completely glass and practically like a gallery! XD(ill try to put some pictures later....)

As for the ceremony, we watched most on the tv -_-" as it was really too far to see anything
luckily i brought my binoculars or it would have been pointless...
too bad the small vision of the binoculars and the fact that it can only serve one person at a time caused us to see most of it on tv.However, i must say that is was really cool seeing the performance(can see but very far, so have to use binoculars to see clearly)and it would definitely have beat actually going there as sitting on the sofa watching the whole thing is pretty damned comfortable(and actually if i use the binoculars it has a really good but puny view of the performace)
and i am not a fan of big crowds.. :(
Another benefit is that the fireworks were literally going off in our face and it was a really different experience from experiencing it when you are wayyy down below and when u are (on a sofa!)at the 19th floor XD.

To tell you the truth, i find the performance pretty disappointing.. :(
It was absolutely no match to the one in China in terms to grandeur and awe.It just doesn't leave a deep impression. And Singapore's performance was largely messy and disorganized, it is pretty confusing to watch a disorderly group of performers and pretty soon it would become boring :(
However, in a way Singapore expressed its own style and had a lot of fresh ideas, one example is the boxer challenging the monster part. Yes, it was pretty lame, but i must admit it was creative and unique. The Singaporean performers, although appearing disorganised, were very enthusiastic and this made the it look energetic and fun(man i suck at commenting abt performances...)

That was definitely a great experience i would get to have for Just this once.....

oh by the way, i am going to be watching the sprints finals tomorrow!!im honestly excited.partly because i am gonna try out the buss concession card(free bus ride FTW!!), and partly because its the first time i am seeing foreigners run... cant wait for tomorrow..... XD


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