Monday, March 1, 2010

LA task

My two highest MI scores are naturalist and intrapersonal(kinestatic not included in questions)
a) Do a research on the natural habitat of mockingbird. In your research, include the kind of flora and fauna you think exist in Maycomb and explain why the mockingbirds live in Maycomb.
The Northern Mocking bird is found in areas with open ground and shrubby vegetation like hedges , fruiting bushes, and thickets.Common places to find northern mockingbirds include parkland, cultivated land, suburban areas in second growth habitat at low elevations
They are named mockingbird, due to their ability to mimic the calls of dozens of bird species.They are also very comfortable around people and only sing songs.
They can live in maycomb peacefully as the people in maycomb enjoy having these birds sing for them and do not disturb their peace.Maycomb also satisfy the habitat conditions of these birds.Thus maycomb a suitable place for mockingbirds to live.

I would like to be friends with Jem.Among the children, Jem matured the most in the story. He also has other good qualities such as sticking up for is friends(when Scout got scolded by aunt alexandra) and caring for his friends(When he invited Walter home for dinner) He is also brave(daring to read to Mrs Dubose) and smart(he understood the evidence presented in the court,even though Atticus did not say what it meant).


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