Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The new OC system

Hullo everyone!!
im gonna interrupt this with a comment on the new system in place in hwa chong.To tell you the truth, im not totally opposed to the new system if not for the b3 fail thing.Let me just elaborate a little more on the OC first and explain a little on the flaws there is
Oc = oral communication.and it essentially comprises in
grading how much we participate in class, if u didnt know, the OP
+grading our 'current affairs' section(which is,as the name implies,a chinese/english interview or debate on a current affairs topic)

First i would like to point out that sometimes, grading something is actually bad in some ways
(lets drift away from this topic for a second)[take for example CIP.I believe that CIP should be done out of obligation, if not it is just meaningless, as the intention is just to gain CIP points, not for the benefit of the community.Happens to such an extent that students do not want to do if there are not any CIP points offered(im not saying i always do CIP and i do it for the benefit of the society)im ust an average guy who does it mostly for the experience than for the benefit of others,and gain CIP at the same time.Such as when i went to Nanyang Primary(my pri sch) to help with their camp.It was a really new and kinda fun experience as i was supposed to lead the students, which i dont do often...]

Back to our topic on OC. grading it would cause the students to participate in class out of obligation,not curiosity. The objective becomes "to ask as many questions as possible to get as much OP as possible" (i dont deny i have this mindset sometimes :D) Thus in a way it 'dilutes' the content in the lesson as many questions 'just for the sake of asking questions' are asked.I believe this would in a way waste precious lesson time.

Another flaw is as a student pointed out:it is mostly the fear of being mocked or ridiculed by your friends that prevents you from asking questions. This would eventually result in the outspoken ones getting all the points and the introverts just getting more and more shy and unwilling to speak.Thus in a way the OP merely benefits the outspoken people and ust serves to impede the "oral development"(if there was such a phrase) of the introverts as there will be more people competing to speak up. causing them to lose confidence.

This happens also in the debate session.The person perhaps has a perfectly prepared score that just need to be read out, and perhaps the introvert, because of his nervousness, screws up big time. Woah, this will probably have a big impact in his already weak self confidence.This would make the situation worser and worser for those that need help in this area.

I am not implying that the OC system is entirely useless. It serves it purpose in encouraging students to read more on current affairs in a way.However i believe that it has a few fatal flaws that cause it to be ineffective, and even making it a requirement for the passing criteria would further impact on a few unlucky students
(that are not entirely unable to present, but the victims of this system.)- i do entirely believe this, what do you think?Does it solve the problems or does it just serve to create more?


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