Saturday, February 13, 2010


Happy chinese new year to y'all!
So let me start whith a fresh note:i cry twce a year,thats right,i acctually just did in fact it happens every year.As i am a buddisist,we have to go to the temple on new years eve,and now this temple is filled with people.and josticks.LOTS OF JOSTICKS.So the temple gets smokey and stuff and u will occasionally feel the slight tinge of someone else's jostick bushing against you.But it is really the 'fumes'that the jostick emmits that tears your eyes.terribly.
Oh and the other time i cry?I dunno,reserved for some unforseen emotional event! :D

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


YAYY finally dared to change my skin to a cool one from one piece!!
Oh and added a tagboxx (walao so hard to get lah whats the account for??!!)

(One Piece is a manga which focuses on the pirate: Monkey D Luffy,the guy with a cool strawhat)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bus trip

Imagine this senario..
you are in the bus,just finished training...tired from all the running.You see two empty seats in front.what do u do?You sit.
So after you sit,someone taps you in the shoulder and points to an old couple. who looked soo feeble that they just have to sit....
so you give up the seat to them apologetically. then you stand i the side.
A few minutes later,you see the person who taped you talking to the old couple and pointing at would you feel?