Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ahh.....Today,the whole class got a dressing down from mr Krison Tan for not doing our Homework...WHOLE class....aawww...we had to write a letter for our 'irresposible' behaviour.
Oh and we got our chinese results today.B4....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

newspaper article

This article is on page A6

Title:Australia mourns bushfire victims

While I was flipping through the pages of The Straits Times,this article immediately caught my eye,as i heard of the devastation a simple bushfire caused.To sumerise the article,it is about the memorial day of the victims of the bushfire, 209 people died.....the prime minister of Austraila said"we will rise together in hope from the ashes of despair" and went on to say what a great loss it was and they will mark that day(7 february)by the lowering of flags at government buildings.Even peincess Anne specially flew all the way to austraila to attand the solemn ceremony.Despite their grief,all of them seemed determined to move forward and rebuild their lives....

This memorial serivice was held because of the 'great bushfire';that happened on February 7th.
With 108 confirmed deaths and more than 750 houses incinerated for a mere bushfire.Bushfires were common in Austraila.I heard the Austraila burned forests to control the fire(fire will not go on a barren ground).I also heard that the area affected is larger than singapore!!

Speaking of memorial services I attanded one recently.It was to remember their children(my cousin)who died of cancer.Many people attended it.It was very sombre and solemn.Furthermore,after saying their speaches and songs it was IMPOSSIBLE not to that point you can hear counless sniffs and weeps.Just remembering that day makes me sob.......

Friday, February 20, 2009

Rude behaviour of vendors

Hi Dudes!well today.i went to a shop vendor(i am declining to say who)wanting to change a 2 dollar note for coins.But i was rudely rejected like'NO change!Only buy.'so i did what many people would have done--bought the cheapest thing i could find which was.......A suan mei candy which costs 20 cents each.when i bought it,the man was disgusted and (i think he wanted to spite me)and grabbed a whole bunch of 10 cents coins and pratically threw it in front of me.Then,he slowly counted.....

What i am trying to say here is that if you are doing a business.shouldnt u treat your costomers better.especially during this tough times!the food that particular vandor store wasnt excellent either.......Well i am definately not eating there anymore.although that is just one customer,slowly the number will build up!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My reflection.....(not excetly My)

hi all!today my english teacher punished a few students for not handing their blogging contract....
they needed to write a thousand word essay on their reflection....

DISCLAIMER!!!the content might contain irreliable things viewer discresion is adviced.

reflection writing for dummys!

Plan A:i am very sorry i did (whatever u do)sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.........

Plan B:i must learn from model students such as(somebody)he is very punctual in handing up work.i vow to learn from(somebody)as long as i live(then repeat the sentence changing the name for each one.)

Plan C:in your reflection,keep linking the subject with irrelevent details:reflection-writing-tiring-hot-sun-clouds-america-ice cream-reccession-Obama-lee kuan yew-PM Lee-chicken rice-chicken rice stall auntie-char quay teow stall uncle....

Plan D:bribe your teacher

Plan E:poison your teacher

Plan F:PANIC!!!!