Sunday, June 21, 2009

confessions of a bully

I'd admit I like to tease.although I go overboard sometimes,I try to limit my teasing.uncontrolled teasing becomes taunting.I learnt that the hard way.I wasn't excatly teasing but it was like this.......
I just finished my CCA.After rushing to my school bus,i greeted my friends.Then the bus left.What we discussed I am not excatly sure.(It was 4 years ago but i think t was my friend's project)
Sitting just next to us was a P1 boy.i did not know his name that day but his name is Dylan.He was a perfect pest.He kept bugging the three of us.looking at my friends file(and covering it with his head.Of course,my temper got the better of me and i sprayed him with my nike bottle and Just kept spraying.I think he tried using the reverse psycology on me by saying'very nice,very cooling'.I guess it worked adverselyon me.i sparyed him more seeing that he enjoyed it.he obviously got irritated. I cant really remember what happened next but i emember he hit me with his bottle and my gum bled.
He didnot seem discontented a little angry but that was all.guess what happene.The very next day.He accused me of STEALING his wallet!i got into truble with the disipline master.Of course,i denied.but my sobbing(i was smaller and much weaker then) did not look convincing.I had three detentions for this.I dont dey i was wrong to repeatedly spray him, i Definitely, I repeat, DEFINITELY did not steal anything!!!
Very ironically,the next year,he i was in the bus with him and he claimed that he had lost his wallent and was frustrated.te teacher next to him then reprimanded him after discovering that his wallet was UNDER HIS OWN BAG!!


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